Friday, May 8, 2009

Doctor who gave Raducan pseudophrine is back!!!!

For over 23 years has Dr Oana dealth with the health of the Romanian national team. His history began with Nadia, continued with Silivas, Dobre, Milosovici, Gogean, then a delay, and now returns to the current Izbasa.

Doctor Ioachim Oana has been linked with Romanian gymnastics since the beginning of Deva. "Bela Karolyi told me that he needed my help. I did not ask to stay there permanently, only to come sometimes," recalls Dr. Oana.

Everything happened in 1976 when he officially became a doctor. Since a break of eight years, he has now returned. [...]

The hardest test: Sydney 2000:

In Sydney 2000, Dr. Oana administered to Andreea Raducan a pill for cold (Nurofen) which contained Pseudophrine, then a banned substance. Andreea was stripped of his medal, and Dr. Oana was suspended from work for six months, and from two editions of the Journal. "There are things difficult to explain, that remain in you. I got over that time with the team, with Andreea. In fact, everybody understands me well, [...]."

"It is very important to us that he returns to help us. He is one of the passionate sports people, who love this area [branch of medicine]," said Nicolae Forminte.

1 comment:

  1. Love your blog.

    But you need to give attribution to original sources. And a link to each source.

    As is it looks like you wrote this text yourself.

    Rick McCharles,
